There are no secrets to the success of Guido’s, just time tested restaurant qualities:
Consistently good food, pleasant atmosphere and great service.
Our consistency comes from an amazing kitchen staff which has been around for a long time. Yvonne’s dad Guido was a classically trained chef with an amazing curriculum by the time he opened the restaurant. Two of our current chefs learned their French culinary skills from Guido 40 years ago.

The Atmosphere is a work of love and nurture by Yvonne and the wait staff. Even though she had studied at Luzern Hotel and Restaurant Management school in Switzerland, prior to taking over the restaurant Yvonne owned a plant nursery where she developed the skill to create beautiful gardens.
The great service comes from our well seasoned wait staff which many of our regular patrons call friends. Some people have said that Guido’s is Cozumel’s version of the TV show Cheers. “A place where everybody knows your name”. They know their job is not only to serve food and drinks properly. Their goal is to see happy people as they say “see you next year”.

Love & Friendship are a tradition at Guido’s. Many rings have been offered at Guido’s. One of our greatest joys is seeing the new generations of families who started their commitment enjoying dinner under our bougainvilleas many years ago.